Virtual Reality Centre

The Virtual Reality Centre (VRC) of the Centre for Teaching and Learning, HSUHK, aims to support teaching and learning activities through extended reality technologies. The centre is equipped with Cave Automatic Virtual Environment (CAVE)-based interactive and immersive virtual reality system in its Virtual Reality and Big Data Analytics Laboratory (VRBD Lab). The centre applies virtual reality and augmented reality technologies and big data visualisation and analysis to various disciplines through the virtual reality systems and simulation tools.. The VR system has been developed to provide vivid stereoscopic views of sceneries in 3D design to facilitate visualization on 3D illustration of industrial supply chain operations, geometrical theories, financial modelling, and healthcare logistics operations. The system provides a versatile and powerful interactive virtual reality platform for operators to train and practice in complex and critical operations before assigned to work in real life operations. With the support of CAVE system and simulation software in the center, sophisticated big data in multi-dimension analysis will be carried out. The center aims to focus on the interactive visualization and big data analytics research and development in the areas of supply chain and logistics, banking and finance, business analytics, healthcare logistics, and heritage as well as provide an excellent interactive 3D learning platform to the students, academic researchers, and industrial practitioners.

Centre Members and Staff

Director: Ir Dr Eugene WONG

Senior Systems Engineer: Mr Matt CHAN

About Project

The increased complexity in data and operation processes in global organisations has posted a growing demand for big data and process analysis in most of the industries, especially in logistics and transportation, supply chain finance and healthcare logistics. The current mode of classroom teaching and learning with the help of textbooks and case studies, field studies and on-site visits, are not able to demonstrate the complexity of operations to students. Very often graduates, even practitioners, are not able to visualize the end-to-end process of the entire supply chain, finance, or medical operations. The government of Hong Kong is recently promoting the use of virtual learning initiatives to support education needs. To achieve the development of an interactive virtual reality platform for learning and big data analytics, a Cave Automatic Virtual Environment (CAVE) system is much needed in setting up various modules for a number of degree programs in the School. This project aims to develop a cost-effective, fully immersive and interactive visualization CAVE system that provides extremely vivid stereoscopic views of sceneries in 3D design. The CAVE will be applied in teaching, learning and research. The operations of air cargo terminal operations will be first developed in the project.

Acknowledgement: The project work was partially supported by Quality Enhancement Support Scheme (QESS) grant from the Education Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China (Project No.: 05/QESS/2015).

About The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong

The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK) is a non-profit private liberal-arts-oriented university in Hong Kong with five Schools (Business, Communication, Decision Sciences, Humanities & Social Science, and Translation) and around 5,000 full-time students.
Adopting the “Liberal + Professional” education model which incorporates the iGPS “desired graduate attributes” framework, HSUHK is a residential institution which puts quality teaching and students’ all-round development as its highest priorities.
Aspiring to be a leading private liberal-arts-oriented university in the region, HSUHK features top-quality faculty members, award-winning green campus facilities, innovative degree programmes, impactful research on corporate sustainability, and excellent student support services, with the aim of nurturing young talents with critical thinking, innovative minds, human caring attitude, moral values and social responsibilities.



The concept of virtual reality is first introduced by Ivan Sutherland in 1963. He invented The Ultimate Display in 1965 to integrate the design, construction, navigation and habitation of virtual world into the computer. In recent decades, the definition of virtual reality is focused on the key elements of immersion, interaction, dynamic control, and human-computer interface. In 1990s, virtual reality is defined as an immersive and interactive experience generated by computer. Brooks in 1999 defined a virtual reality experience as any in which the user is effectively immersed in a responsive virtual world with a dynamic control point of view. Virtual reality is also defined as the sense of being in an environment, generated by natural or mediated means, through technological hardware and dimensions. In 2000s, virtual reality is interpreted as a closed computer system that consists of a virtual environment as well as a software and hardware interface, which allows interaction between a human and a computer. Later virtual reality is termed by using four key elements: a virtual world, immersion, sensory feedback and interactivity. In the 2010s, Dioni and Gilbert described virtual reality as computer-generated simulations of three-dimensional objects or environments with seemingly real, direct, or physical user interaction. Recently, virtual reality is referred to a collection of technologies for generating a human-computer interface that allows people to interact efficiently with, become immersed in, and to feel the presence in computerized 3D environments, while using their natural senses and motor skills in real time.

Big Data

Big data analytics is the process of collecting, examining and analysing large data sets to uncover hidden patterns, unknown correlations, market trends, customer preferences and other useful business information. The data sets are usually large and complex that traditional data processing applications are inadequate. Challenges include analysis, capture, data curation, search, sharing, storage, transfer, visualization, querying, updating and information privacy. The big data analytical findings can lead to more effective marketing, new revenue opportunities, better customer service, improved operational efficiency, competitive advantages over rival organizations and other business benefits.



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 - The development of an education and research center with automatic virtual reality platform for 3D interactive learning and big data analytics
Project Highlight: A funding project received from the Quality Enhancement Support Scheme from Education Bureau (EDB) with an amount of HK$2,000,000. The project focuses on developing a Cave Automatic Virtual Environment (CAVE) VR System to support teaching in the institution.
- Cargo load planning: simulation and visualisation 
Project Highlight: The project aims to illustrate the cargo loading planning and facilitating immersive visualizing the planned and allocated positions of the Unit Load Devices (ULD) in an aircraft in real-time. It integrates the optimisation simulation from Solver and VBA as well as the Unity and Middleware VR visualisation.
- Developing a virtual reality system for awkward cargo loading operations
Project Highlight: The project aims to simulate the over-size awkward cargo loading to assist pre-planning of cargo moving through the aircraft door and sliding into the correct position in the aircraft.
- Container terminal crane operations in virtual reality
Project Highlight: The project aims to assist teaching of the terminal operations. It aims to simulate the crane operator in stowing the containers from yard to container vessels. A prototype has been completed.
Art and culture virtual reality gallery
Project Highlight: The project is developed with a virtual reality art gallery showing a master piece from an experienced photographer, Mr. Ng Tse Sum. Students, staff and visitors can appreciate the photos illustrated in the gallery.
The Starry Night of Van Gogh and Post-Impressionism development appreciation in Virtual Reality
Project Highlight: This project aims to develop a 3D immersive and interactive scene illustrating the masterpiece painting “The Starry Night” of a Dutch post-impressionist painter Vincent Van Gogh in 1889, illustrating the east-facing window of his asylum room at Saint-Remy-de-Provence, with the addition of an idealized village.
Augmented Reality on HSMC Clock Tower
Project Highlight: The project displays HSMC Clock Tower in a mobile device with a camera using the augmented reality technologies. Users can move the 3D clock tower on the mobile device. The project is jointly developed with the Department of Supply Chain Management and Department of Social Science
Chinese Culture and Antique VR Museum - Inscribed Bronzes 
Project Highlight: The Chinese Culture and Antique Virtual Reality Museum aims to provide a 3D interactive and immersive platform for students and public in appreciating and understanding Chinese antiques.



Email: vrc@hsu.edu.hk Phone: (852) 3693 5728 Address: A411, 4th Floor, Block A, S. H. Ho Academic Building, The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong Hang Shin Link, Siu Lek Yuen, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong