Virtual Reality Center (VRC) from The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK) received a funding from the Quality Enhancement Support Scheme (QESS) of the Self-financing Post-secondary Education Fund to successfully create the first virtual disaster interview teaching interactive reality in Hong Kong.
The “Earthquake Interview Teaching Virtual Scene” is the first virtual reality interactive scene in Hong Kong with disaster interview teaching as the theme, allowing students to learn the most important observation, judgment and analysis skills in the interview process in a simulated disaster environment. This scene is based on the 2008 Wenchuan Beichuan Middle School disaster scene, and through virtual reality technology, the scene of the collapse after the earthquake was reshaped.
For more information, please click below links:
恒大首創地震採訪虛擬場景 (Sing Tao Daily)
Reference Link: http://bit.ly/3nFAQ9B
恒大地震虛擬場景學習災難採訪 (Oriental Daily News)
Reference Link: http://bit.ly/34AuKjk
【傳播科技】恒大開發虛擬實境系統學生如置身災難現場採訪加強實戰經驗 (am730)
Reference Link: https://bit.ly/3nFVIxf
香港恒生大學獲資助建立跨院校互動協作教育平台 (Hong Kong Commercial Daily)
Reference Link: http://bit.ly/3nHsM8b
【傳播科技】恒大開發虛擬實境系統學生如置身災難現場採訪加強實戰經驗(Economic Digest)
Reference Link: http://bit.ly/3piqxbJ
恒大建虛擬災難採訪實境為全港首個互動實境 (Bastille Post)
Reference Link: http://bit.ly/2KMoluo
恒大首創地震採訪虛擬場景 (Sing Tao Daily Online)
Reference Link: http://bit.ly/3ryPCkD