25 November 2021
Being funded by the Quality Enhancement Support Scheme (QESS) from Education Bureau (EDB), the development of real-time cooperative Virtual Reality CAVE and HMD systems for collaborative learning is in progress. The project team members and developers from The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK), Chu Hai College of Higher Education (CHCHE) and Hong Kong University Space (HKU Space), together with the University of Hong Kong (HKU), have conducted a trial demonstration in a symposium, titled ‘Promoting Student Learning via Interactive Teaching and Technology-enhanced Assessment’ symposium, organised by HKU Space on 25 November 2021. The real-time cooperative functions scene developed in one of the three themes – a theme about journalism has been successfully demonstrated. Over 100 participants from onsite and online have attended the demonstration. The aim of the VR scene is to facilitate collaborative learning and practice on news live reporting in a sudden disaster location. The VR scenes of the Sichuan earthquake have been rebuilt to train students in handling live reporting that might be affected by multiple situations. The multiple VR CAVE and HMD systems with different roles in the news reporting interacting in the same VR scenes has been successfully demonstrated.